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Sustainable and Healthy Food Systems
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Poultry farms in Baramati, Maharashtra
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A Hydro-electric project in the Himalayas
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A herd of Banni buffalo at a watering hole in Kutch, Gujarat
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Vegetable market in Shirshuphal, Maharahsthra
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Terraced fields in Dzongu-North-Sikkim
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Agriculture next to skyscrapers – visibly depicting the contrast of small farms in urbanizing landscapes

The environmental pollution costs of increased poultry consumption

Water-Energy-Food nexus: Impact of hydro-power on food production and nutrition in the Western Himalayas

An introduced tree in the Banni: Invading landscape, livelihoods and lifestyles

Impact of urbanisation on gendered access to nutrition

Impact of changing agricultural practices on food systems in Sikkim

Dietary patterns and pollinator dependence along the rural-urban gradient of Bangalore
